The Practice of
Bilingual Education in Indonesia
Submitted for the Language Policy and Planning
:Critical Perspectives course
By :
Theresa Welma Kakiay
English is really important in order to
compete in globalization era, therefore bilingual education appeared to answer
the issue. This study aim to reflect the practice of bilingual education in
Indonesia and discuss some challenges when implementing the bilingual
education. The practice of bilingual program become popular before 2013 and
faced some challenges. The challenges divided into two categories which are
practical constraints and cultural constraint. Practical constraint related
to: lack of competence of the teacher
where the teacher has no insufficient English proficiency, limited quality
teaching with both language and unfavorable environment happened because of the
failure in teaching. Also in cultural constraint related to: limited exposure,
poor governance that can see the chance and importance in globalization level
and commitment. The challenges cannot meet the solution thus finally it causes
the Ministry of Education no longer concern of bilingual education in Indonesia
and develop another program.
Keyword : bilingualism, bilingual education
1.1 Background of the Study
As we know that English is as an
International language and also because the fast spreading of globalization, it
is important to learn English in school of Indonesia. Nowadays, the education see
the chance and follow the era development. If we did not follow or at least
trying to develop our potential to face globalization, we will still left
behind. Therefore, the government pays attention to how students can develop
their potential in using English. They realized how important qualified
education in Indonesia is.
The government made some effort to empower
the citizen to get better education, improve regulation and suit the citizen
needs in school. Since 2006 the legislation number 20 year 2003 section 50
sentence 3 stated that : “Pemerintah dan
atau Pemerintah Daerah menyelenggarakan sekurang-kurangnya satu sekolah pada
semua jenjang pendidikan untuk dikembangkan menjadi sekolah yang bertaraf
Internasional.” From this statement the government establishing the school
called International Standardized school. Since that time the bilingual
educational classroom program appeared. Students will learn with both of the
language which is English and Indonesia language. The bilingualism in here
means that the students will use Bahasa Indonesia as their first language and
English as their foreign language in the classroom.
To know more about the term of
bilingualism, this paper will discuss and reflect about the practice of
bilingual education in Indonesia and some challenges that appear when
implementing the bilingual program.
1.2 Problem
The practice of
Bilingual Education
Challenge of
implementing bilingual education in Indonesia
1.3 Objective of
the Study
study’s aim is to reflect about the condition of bilingual education program in
2.1. Bilingualism
Haugen as cited in
Margana (2015), who states that bilingualism, refers to a speaker’s native
competence to utilize more than one language. Bilingualism starts when the
speaker of one language can produce meaningful utterances in other language,
and he has control of two or more languages, as the one a native would have in
each one of those language.
2.2 Three types of Bilingual
According to Serra (2017) there are three types of
bilingual refer to the kind of bilingualism:
1. Planned Bilingual
is the condition where those who success to achieved bilingual because of their
parents decision and planned strategy. They can decide some way or plan various
2. Natural Bilingual
kind of group refers to the person who was born in a place that naturally
offers many languages. Usually, they are the group that live in the region that
consequence of historical conflict, most of th time or even connected to politics.
3. Adult Bilingual
is the group where the people need to move to another country and learn new
language. It could be for work or other reason. So they have some specific
purpose to learn thesecond language
2.3 Bilingual Education
education is a form of education in which information is presented to the
students in two or more languages. The term of ‘bilingual’ here refers to the multiple
languages. Therefore, the school that implements two or more languages is using
bilingual education system. Burnham Massey and Pina, as cited in Putri (2010)
stated that bilingual education has done well but it can do much better. In
fact, the implementation of bilingual education seems hard because some
problems possible arise in the process of implementing bilingual education
2.4 Types of Bilingual Education
Here are the following types of Bilingual education
that proposed by Krashen, as cited in Putri (2010):
Transitional Bilingual Education
This is related to child’s native
language. The goal is to help students transition from first or native language
to mainstream. The learning process will be English only classroom as quickly
as possible and the linguistic goal of this bilingual program is English
acquisition only.
2. Two way-or Dual Language Immersion Bilingual
program is to help native and non native English speaker become bilingual. This
program for example like in U.S context, some students will be native English
and half of the rest is using another language for example French which is the
minority language at there.
3. Dual Language Program
program designed to help students study in two different ways: 1) Variety of
subjects taught in second language, therefore there is the condition where the
students when ask the bilingual teacher with their native language, their
teacher will still answer them with second language. 2) This second way is
native language literacy dominant in the classroom. The native language can be
transferred to the second language later. Therefore they learn second language
as content based learning rather than grammar based for all subjects in the
4. Late-Exit or Developmental Bilingual Program
program related to extended child’s skill in English. They will transferred
their native language to second language in their learning process with this
3.1 The Practice of Bilingual Education
education started since 2004. Indonesia government established bilingual school
can be RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional) or SBI (Sekolah Bertaraf
Internasional) as the pioneer of International standardized school (Margana,
2015). Bilingual program applied national curriculum but in communication
practice have to use English in teaching learning process.
The growth of
bilingual education that becomes popular in 2006 until 2010
Source from Ministry of National Education Published by Diskominfo (Ministry of Communication and Informatics) in 2012 as cited in Jayanti (2019)
3.2 Challenge of Language &
Bilingual education policies
Practical Constraint ·
Lack of competence ·
Limited quality teaching ·
Unfavorable environment Cultural Constraint ·
Limited exposure ·
Poor governance ·
Practically the teacher is lack of
competence or not reached the qualification to be a good bilingual teacher. In
field, the professional bilingual teachers have insufficient English
proficiency while it is a must for them to have capability in English because
the activities in the classroom should use both language Bahasa Indonesia and
English. This is in line with Lie (2009) claimed that many teachers are less
competent to teach English and use English as the medium of the
instruction Therefore the teacher failed
to create bilingual atmosphere in the classroom
Welch (2012) claimed that poor quality
governance impact or limited activities and engagement within global community.
Because of that, National Ministry Education develop another curriculum as we
know as curriculum 2013 because bilingual classroom has been banned to be
carried out in January 2013.(Rakyat,2013)
In conclusion, the practice of bilingual
education become popular in 2006 but the practice of bilingual education cannot
meet the expectation of the ministry of education therefore they develop a new
program that we know as curriculum 2013 and no longer concern of bilingual
classroom anymore. Actually, if the ministry can meet the solution and find the
way to cope with the challenges it is good to apply bilingual classroom to
prepare the students can faced the globalization era. Because English is the
international language, therefore the students should capable in English beside
knowing their native language
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